Doors & Windows

Doors & Windows

Old House Journal’s compendium of articles about how to repair and restore doors and windows for old houses, including hardware repair, finishes, glass repair/installation, and more.


Product of the Week

Reglazing Windows

The glass panes in a window are called glazing. Whether you’re reglazing windows during restoration or because of an errant baseball, you’ll have to seal between the glass and wood muntins and frame with “putty”—a word still used to describe the material that keeps weather out of the joints.

How To Repair Panel Doors

After some 200 years of “hard knocks” and spotty maintenance in the harsh climate of coastal Maine, our Federal-period home’s frame-and-panel doors exhibited a range of problems—from gaps and loose joints to outright rot. Repairing them without compromising their integrity required patience and an understanding of their mortise-and-tenon joinery.

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