Art Tile

Art Tile

Old House Online’s directory of designers and suppliers of art tile for older homes, including historic tile reproductions, wall tile, and tile for mantels, kitchens and bathrooms.


Product of the Week

North Prairie Tileworks

Specializes in custom ceramic tile with an emphasis on Arts & Crafts designs, historic reproductions and functional art tile. We offer over 150 custom electric and gas-fired glaze colors, custom decorative relief tiles, original and made-to-order designs.

Pasadena Craftsman Tile

Hand Wrought Tiles, Historic and Contemporary, including one of the largest selection and finest reproductions of Ernest Batchelder tile designs. Durable high fired glazes with non-glossy Craftsman color palette. Custom fireplaces, walls and fountains.

Skiersch Studio Tiles

Skiersch Studio Tiles are timeless handcrafted elements appropriate for any home’s traditionally adorned spaces, kitchens, baths or hearths, or suitable to be framed and hung on the wall.

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