Old House Gardens & Exteriors

Old House Gardens & Exteriors

Styles, projects, and ideas for old house gardens and exteriors, including planting tips, painting, siding, roofing, shutters, and windows.


Product of the Week

8 Garden Designs for Old Houses

Ornamental gardens have complemented North American houses for more than three centuries. As successive architectural styles moved in and out of fashion, however, so did the design of the ideal garden, leading many old-house owners to wonder what garden design fits best with their building. Fortunately, residential architecture can provide important clues to an appropriate landscape.

History of Chimney Pots

For most folks, the business end of a chimney is the hearth that throws off the warmth and the mantelpiece that grabs center stage in the room. For architects and builders, however, almost as important is the chimney top.

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