Alleman Studios

(520) 622-6377

In late 2001, Carol Alleman expanded her artistic visions in clay to include lost wax casting in bronze. Embracing the alchemistic nature of this ageless material and highly crafted process, she created her first bronze vessel Miracles. Thus began the mystical and organic Tree of Life and Nature Vessel Series. Her signature, museum-quality work encompasses highly evolved, intricate patinas within the vessel form. Companion Writings accompany each bronze – presenting an integrated literary and visually complete work of art. The companion writings contemplate thoughts and questions on the philosophies of life, the human condition and the countless mysteries of nature. Combining the written word with her growing forest of bronze vessels, Carol additionally inspires audiences through her inspirational presentations and poetry readings. She is a gentle and encouraging Gardener of the Soul, coupled with an ever growing commitment to conservation and appreciation.

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