Editors’ Picks: Restoring an Old-House Façade

If your old house’s façade could use a little TLC, check out these three articles, which tackle everything from the best way to remove ugly vinyl siding tacked on by previous homeowners to cheap, period-appropriate ways to add extra oomph to your exterior.

You might not be able to judge a book by its cover, but an old house? That’s a different story. You might have amassed an enviable array of period furnishings for your home, but if the roof is leaking, the paint is peeling, and the gutters are falling off, it’s not going to make much difference what the inside of your house looks like. With the weather heating up, there’s no time like the present to make the outside of your house shine.

Before removing vinyl or aluminum siding, assess what’s underneath. While ovecladdings can stabilize historic exteriors, when they’re gone there’s still the effects of their installation to deal with, as well as any original paint problems.

Courtesy of Gregory MacNeil

Getting Under Second Skins: If you apply tools and materials with a production-minded approach, it’s possible to restore exterior paint and woodwork with like-new results.

Repairing Structural Brickwork: When brick walls start to peel apart due to age and short-cut construction, they can be stabilized with a combination of modern materials and traditional techniques.

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