Historic Places

Product of the Week

A Tour of Old Louisville

Who knew that Louisville has the largest number of contiguous Victorian-era houses in the United States? Walking down the streets of the city’s historic districts, you’ll be amazed at the number of turrets. Comprising 1,200 acres within 48 square blocks, and home to more than 17,000 residents, Old Louisville is an unequalled oasis of 19th-century domestic architecture.

Farmhouses of the Brandywine Valley, Pennsylvania

The landscape of southeastern Pennsylvania is dotted with stone and brick farmhouses that look like they’ve been there forever. Given the area’s history, that’s not surprising. These houses reflect a building tradition that started in the late 17th century and remains very much alive today.

Saving Bungalows in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Kristi Johnson couldn’t believe her eyes when she read what neighbors had to say about the cozy bungalows in her corner of Minneapolis. Like residents of some 50 other areas in the city, they had developed a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan to identify strengths and shortcomings.

Touring Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Locals have begun calling this part of the borough of Manhattan “LES”—that’s the Lower East Side, a four-square-mile corner nestled between Chinatown and the East Village. (The modern LES Historic District is smaller than the historical boundaries of the neighborhood, which extended north to 14th Street.)

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